All the components do share a couple of common used helpers. Your application can also use these helpers, but it's totally optional.
CSS properties
Animation Easing
You can use the internal Eufemia easing function.
.animation-element {transition: transform 400ms var(--easing-default);}
CSS classes
- dnb-core-style: A CSS-reset and core styling, including font, line-height and color.
- dnb-tab-focus: Adds a custom visual focus state on tab focus.
- dnb-skip-link: For adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area.
- dnb-spacing: Sets a default spacing on all nested HTML elements.
- dnb-scrollbar-appearance: Defines the DNB scrollbar appearance.
- dnb-sr-only: An element that is reachable by screen readers, but is visually hidden.
- dnb-drop-shadow: Adds the default drop shadow to the component.
- dnb-responsive-component: Makes the component react to small sized screens.
- dnb-selection: Applies DNB selection colors to selected content
- isTrue: Checks if a value is Truthy.
- isTouchDevice: Checks if the target device has touch support.
- toPascalCase: Transforms snake_case to PascalCase.
- toCamelCase: Transforms snake_case to camelCase.
- toSnakeCase: Transforms PascalCase to snake_case.
- toKebabCase: Transforms PascalCase to kebab-case.
- filterProps: Filter out unwanted entries from either an object or an array.
- makeUniqueId: Creates a unique hash string.
- slugify: Breaks down phrases of words to be URI compatible.
- checkIfHasScrollbar: Check if an element has a scrollbar.
- convertJsxToString: Convert one or more HTMLElements to a string.
- InteractionInvalidation: Invalidates DOM elements to be accessible for keyboard or screen reader.
- scrollToLocationHashId: Scroll to a given HashId with optional offset and delay
- getOffsetTop: Get the HTML Element offset to the top of the browser window.
- applyPageFocus: Applies a page focus to an element given by the setPageFocusElement.
- setPageFocusElement: Defines a focus element to applyPageFocus.
- debounce: Creates a debounced function that delays invoking func until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked.
- copyToClipboard: Copies a given string to clipboard.
Device checks
Find out which device your user is currently on using the Device functions.
Or use the built-in Device constants.